Create Carrier App on Zoom Marketplace

This section describes how to create a Carrier app on the Zoom Marketplace. Once the app is approved by Zoom, its made available as a Provider Exchange app for new customer leads to choose in their Zoom marketplace.

To create a Zoom app:
1. Login to Zoom with Admin permissions to create an app on the Zoom Marketplace.
2. From the Develop drop-down list ,select Build App.

3. Create a new OAuth app.

4. Configure the Redirect URL for OAuth. The registered app includes a list of Redirect URLs for each Provider Exchange or Channel. When the potential customer, opens the URL that is sent in an Invitation email from the Provider Exchange or Channel, they are initially directed to a Landing Page . Once the customer is deployed and then they reopen the same URL Invitation link, the Live Platform opens where customers can manage their dialing plans. See Download and Install Carrier App.
Configure the Development and Testing environment Redirect URL:

Configure the Production environment URL:

5. In the Add Allow List, configure the list of valid URLs that are authorized to reach the OAuth Redirect URL configured above.

6. Fill in the description of the app and then click Continue.

7. Configure the following scopes:
User: user: read: admin
Phone: phone_peering: write:admin, phone_peering:read:admin, phone:write:admin

8. Enter the Local Test details and then click Continue.

9. Fill in the Technical Design questionnaire and then click Continue.
Application Overview:

Security Overview:

Privacy Attestations:

10. Check your submission and click Submit.